CLAAP for K-12 Schools

CLAAP expands to Climate Awareness and Action Program. Green Initiatives to improve hyperlocal environmental parameters reduce air pollution, improve water & soil quality, effective waste management and energy conservation.

CLAAP expands to Climate Awareness and Action Program. Following are the key components of CLAAP:

  • Registration of the school with the Centre for Science & Environment (CSE) under their Green School Program (GSP).
  • Green Initiatives to improve hyperlocal environmental parameters, reduce air pollution, improve water & soil quality, effective waste management and energy conservation – initiatives for three years with the aim of getting the school certified as a “Green School” by CSE within 3 years.
  • Installation of weather station, Air/Water/Soil quality sensors for regular monitoring.
  • Modules on Earth Spheres for Teachers on
  • Activities & Experiments for students mapped to the curriculum.
  • Registering the school with GLOBE (Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment), a collaboration platform funded by NASA, after the Indian Ministry for Environment, Forests and Climate Change refills the “Globe Coordinator” position.
  • Assisting the school with the Green School audit by CSE.

CLAPP provides huge benefits to all stakeholders:

Benefits to the School

  • Getting certified as a “Green School” by the Centre for Science & Environment” (CSE) within three years and sustain the same over a long period of time.
  • Long-term savings on energy costs.
  • Providing a healthier environment for students, teachers, and staff.
  • Contribution to reduction of carbon footprint enabling national & international recognition.

Benefits to Teachers & other staff

  • Refresher modules on Earth Spheres online and student activities & experiments to incorporate in EVS & Geography lesson plans.
  • Becoming fully knowledgeable on fighting climate change and better equipped to create climate warriors among students.
  • Leading and driving result-oriented environmental projects will attract national & international recognition.

Benefits to Students

  • Opportunity to learn Earth Spheres through activities and experiments.
  • Opportunity to become climate warriors and earn accolades.
  • Opportunity to find green jobs which are highly rewarding and paying.

Hydenmet will work with the school to create a task force represented by management, teaching & non-teaching staff, Parent-volunteers, and students to drive climate actions in the school with participation from everyone. Hydenmet will target “Green School” certification within 3 years and help sustain the certification long-term.

This video explains the program well - CLAPP-VIDEO

Click on CLAAP to download the brochure.